Sunday, May 11, 2008

Turkey Run

It's pouring down rain but I just got back from a hike through Turkey Run State Park. The park is located approximately an hour west of Indianapolis on the Wabash river.

The river and all of the creeks flowing into it have cut amazing gorges into the landscape.

The hike started off crossing the river on a suspension bridges and then quickly got lost in the maze of creeks, gorges, valleys and hills in the park.

It was raining so water, lots of water, was flowing every where. I ended up fording every creek multiple times.

The trail ran into a waterfall but a ladder was cleverly provided so that one could continue the hike.

There was so much water that my initial choice of trail had to be changed. The way was blocked by a torrent of water racing down a narrow and slippery looking funnel.

I ended up at an abandoned coal mine before crossing the suspension bridge and returning home. I'll have to go back when there isn't so much water falling from the sky.