Sunday, August 17, 2008

Agri- Culture: Biofuels

The seven next generation biofuels. Set to replace fossil fuels?? I'll tell soon as I find my crystal ball. Most are set to debut in 2012.
1. Cellulosic ethanol (biological) - 66% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
2. Cellulosic ethanol (gasification) - 66% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
3. Algal biodiesel - 103% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
4. Green gasoline - 100% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
5. Biobutanol - 90% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
6. Designer hydrocarbons - 106% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline
7. Fourth-Gen fuel - 103% energy yield compared to a gallon of gasoline

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